Sunday, April 22, 2012

Stop Divorce, Save Marriage, Marriage Counseling Advice

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Nancy Wasson, Ph.D. Co-creator of "Overcome Control Conflict with Your Spouse or Partner"“Introducing… What Every Spouse or Partner Needs to Know About Overcoming Control Issues”

"Thank you for your wonderful system to help me with my control issues. I'm convinced if I hadn’t listened to your advice my husband would have left me."Sure you’re frustrated! The fact that you’re reading this means that control issues are a concern in your relationship and you want to do something about it.Meanwhile the passive partner is feeling trapped, lost, confused, or resentful. Does this describe your marriage or relationship?Or maybe your partner has accused you of being controlling, but you don’t agree. Even so, the perception of a control issue in your relationship creates a problem.When control conflict in a relationship finally erupts, the mate who has been passive or submissive often feels like a ticking bomb is about to explode. And the controlling partner may be caught off guard, not knowing how to handle the new turbulence in the relationship,Can you feel your marriage or relationship spiraling downward and you don’t know what to do to improve it?In my professional career I’ve counseled many couples with control conflict tearing apart their relationship.And I’ve learned a lot from clients just like you about what works and what doesn’t work in improving controlling versus passive dynamics in relationships.But my husband Lee and I have discovered that the quality of a marriage or relationship doesn’t depend on avoiding control conflict altogether. That would be an impossible order.Instead the key to having a great relationship is to handle conflicts in a way that preserves, nurtures and builds those close and bonded feelings you want with your partner.
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