Friday, March 9, 2012

How to make it work

How to make it work Video Clips. Duration : 0.28 Mins.

Sorry for the bad video quality Here you have the instruction how to make it work.(circuit diagram and play test are on my page) 1. Start from this: take a speaker, T3 and ammeter (nothing more at the moment) and connect them in series, as shown at the circuit diagram. ( ammeter between T3 collector and a speaker) - the ammeter doesn't change this location during the entire regulation - connect the power supply ( base of T3 is disconnected at the moment) 2. See what the ammeter shows - it should be zero, or very close to zero, because T3 base is disconnected - if it shows considerable current, then T3 is damaged and must be changed. 3. If it's OK, then connect R3 to the base of T3 ( and to - V of course). R3 should be set at the max. resistance at first and then carefully go down with its resistance. In most cases its value is between 1 - 6 kohm, depending on a power supply voltage, speaker's resistance and beta of a transistor. 4. Using R3, set the current of T3 at the desired value (not greater than that resulting from Ohm's law though, taking into consideration resistance of a speaker ) starting from the max. resistance of R3 and then carefully going down - thus, you determine the upper limit for current - it will not be exceeded during the work of the amp - it results from the logic of this circuit. Watch the temperature of the transistor - silicon transistors easily endure even 80C (175 F) , it should work with a heat sink though, and stay cool or merely warm all the ...


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